Building a Story Brand

By Donald Miller

Practical. Helpful. Immediately applicable. If you have a message or a product you want to put in the hands of others, this book will help. In Building a StoryBrand, Donald Miller demonstrates how the 7 elements of great storytelling will help you clarify your message, gain the attention audience, and provide them the service they need and you have. 

Did I say this book was practical? His entire approach is designed to take readers on a step by step process of crafting their StoryBrand. Readers who purchase the book also gain access to helpful online software, helpful videos, and tools for translating theory and concepts to an actionable plan

It's only February, but I already know Building a StoryBrand will be one of my "Top 5 Reads" for 2018. 

Five reasons to read this book:

1. Proven framework: Donald Miller gives away (okay, sells for a pittance) the secret sauce that makes his company effective. 
2. Everyday examples: Miller makes concepts concrete by sharing example after example. 
3. Immediately applicable: I was able to apply his concepts to a website I am building -- immediately!
4. No filler: This is 200 pages (4 hours, 57 minutes on Audible) of pure marketing muscle. Don does not waste his words or my time. 
5. The Hero: Don taught me who the hero is (it isn't me). Building a StoryBrand is helping me establish my position and approach as a helpful guide to serve others well.