Treasury of David (Spurgeon)

By Charles H. Spurgeon

As with so many, my life has constantly been enriched by Spurgeon’s work, The Treasury of David.

A few notable points (from ??)

  • Spurgeon wrote 18-million words (Churchill 6 million).

  • First published in weekly installments over a 20-year-span in the Long Metropolitan Tabernacle periodical, Sword and Trowel.

  • Completed sections were released volume by volume until the final volume was released in 1885.

  • By 1895, 120,000 sets had been sold.

  • Eric Hayden (Eric W. Hayden received his MA degree at Durham University and was trained for the ministry at Spurgeon's College, London; later pastored Metropolitan Tabernacle. Considered the greatest living authority on Charles Haddon Spurgeon, the message and the man) called Treasure of David, Spurgeon’s Magnum Opus.